UK spend on traffic calming measures climbs 53%

UK spend on traffic calming measures climbs 53%
A total of £75.6m was spent on traffic calming in 2014 – up 53% compared to the year before.

That’s according to new research by Churchill Insurance, which finds that authorities paid out an estimated £47,196 in compensation for damage caused by traffic calming measures in 2014. Consumer research suggests that while 42% of Brits believe traffic calming measures are effective in slowing vehicles down, almost half (47%) think these measures cause damage to vehicles and just under a quarter (23%) of motorists say they have experienced this first hand.

When asked, aside from traffic calming measures, which alternative speed-reducing measures would be effective in reducing speed, two in five (39%) Brits agreed an increased police presence would be most effective, closely followed by greater penalties for speeding (36%) and more speed cameras (29%).

The study also revealed that there are now an estimated 5,900 zones with 20mph limits in the UK today.

Steve Barrett, head of car insurance at Churchill Insurance, said: “It is encouraging to see a significant increase in funding for traffic calming measures, as it plays a valuable role in managing the safety of our roads. With that said, road safety is a very complex issue and traffic calming is one of many factors that can impact on this.

“We urge motorists to drive with caution and follow the rules of the road, which includes abiding by traffic calming measures. While some may see them as a hindrance, they are an integral part of protecting both motorists and pedestrians and in keeping accident rates to a minimum.”



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About The Author

Richard Davies

Grantham born and bred, now running a small ICT consultancy and representing Grantham North West on Lincolnshire County Council. Currently Portfolio Holder Highways, Transport & ICT

Twitter @rgdavies