Help us improve how we work

We’d like your input to help us shape our new strategies.

Lincolnshire County Council is currently developing new customer and digital strategies, and has launched two surveys to gather residents’ views and experiences to help shape those plans.

To help us form our new Customer Strategy, we’re asking what’s important to you when you contact the council. We want to make sure we provide our residents with a high quality experience when interacting with us.

For our Digital Strategy, we’re asking about experiences of using digital tools, to help us make the most of new technologies and efficient new automated processes. Whilst we would like digital to be the first choice for services, we acknowledge that there are challenges for some people when accessing digital services, especially in more rural areas.

Both surveys can be found on our website and will be open until 18 June 2021.

These strategies will help towards achieving our corporate plan, which you can find out more about at